Rabu, 28 September 2016

The Forbidden City

Hallo everyone!

Today I would like to tell you about some place that become tourist attraction, The Forbidden City. Why I reveal this topic ? Because I'm curiously with this City. Why is forbidden?

Oke start from the identity about this city. The forbidden city is a city that located in Beijing, China. This place became a Palace Museum. Seen from the shape, Beijing is a city of great quadrilateral. And the Forbidden City became a center of Beijing.

So why this place is forbidden? Because the Forbidden City is place for the king to run a government and the common people are not allowed to enter it. If someone is entering to the place, the death sentence will be carried out. Therefore called The Forbidden City.

The Forbidden City is a museum that includes historical objects that are still protected and preserved. And The Forbidden City is the place that was inhabited by 24 kings for about 500 years.

The concept of eatabliahed of the Forbidden City is a plalace that once funtioned as a fortress. Therefore also built a moat surrounding the main building. Wall palace itself was built to a height of 7.9 meters, while the moat that surrounds it has a depth of 6 meters and a widht of 52 meters. Not only that, as a defense, on every corner and also some spesific places have been built look out towers.

Oke that's all about The Forbidden City that I was curious. And all of my question have been answered.

source : http://ensiklo.com/2015/04/apa-dan-dimana-forbidden-city-a-k-a-kota-terlarang-itu/

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