Qurban was held on 12 September 2016 or in Hijriyah is 10 Dzulhijjah 1437. Qurban in SMAN 3 Bandung called QURTILAS with tagline "Bismillahi Allahuakbar!" SMAN 3 Bandung was conduct QURTILAS at 13 September 2016. Just one day, but the prepared for this event need so many time between 2 months until 3 months. Yes of course, because for 1 sheep (the cheaper price of cattle) need money at least Rp1.900.000.
The leader of QURTILAS is Milzam Khoirul Basith. He was formed this committee since beginning of September. There are so many members who have attended this event, more or less 120 members. The first program we did was ask for a donation to every class in SMA 3. And Alhamdulillah the result of the donation is enough to meet the ability Qurban.
With a big enough struggle, eventually qurban can be implemented.
In that day I came be late. So, I didn't know what must I do. Without asked to the other people, I just took my knife and followed to cutting of meat. After that, I weighed the meat about 300 g.
Then I cleaned the knife, suddenly my hand was hurt. Because I didn't be careful hehehe..
Immediately I asked drug to P3K. It was shooting paint. hiks hiks hiks...
Not until end, I went to home first, because I didn't bring other cloth and I'm so smelly.. wkwkwk..
Okey, Alhamdulillah event of QURTILAS successfully.
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